Salvation is given and must be received... Did you receive? 🎺 Trumpet Call of God

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Salvation is given and must be received… Did you receive?

June 19, 2007 – From YahuShua HaMashiach, He who is called Jesus The Christ, Our Lord and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to hear

Question asked by Timothy, for a brother in Christ… Lord, can our salvation be lost?

Thus says the Lord… Timothy, write as I speak, and hear My words and give Me glory. For in My Word is glory, even the truth, of which no man can change. For if any man attempts to change that which I have spoken for his own glory, or in the serving of the evil one, even that man shall I destroy… Says The Lord.

So then you have come before Me asking on your brother’s behalf, though he asks in the testing of you, holding you up against his own belief and according to that doctrine, of which he has already accepted. Yet I will speak for the sake of your asking, and for the edification of him you have called friend and brother. For he is My son also, though he does not yet believe that you are who you claim to be. And for this reason also, I have had you write down My spoken word, so for surety he may know and understand, that salvation gained is assured.

For it is not by gain that you have received it, rather it is by grace… The gift of The Father, ransomed through the blood of The Son. So then, concerning all these The Father has given Me, I shall not lose one… For those who come to Me are drawn to Me by The Father, and shall in no wise be cast out.

Yet there are those among you, who say it is written by the prophet, that when the righteous turn from their righteousness and commit iniquity and do wickedly, even for this shall The Father remember their righteous deeds no more; and because of the unfaithfulness of which they are guilty, and the sin which they have committed, they shall surely die. This saying is true and was spoken by God’s prophet from aforetime, according to The Old Covenant, and should indeed be taken to heart.

Yet understand this, you scholars and those without understanding, you lack faith and do not know your God, nor that covenant written in My own blood, which has become The New and Everlasting Covenant… For I died. Behold, I am risen and live forevermore! Amen… And so as I live forever, so shall the righteous man live.

Even if he should turn and stumble, His salvation is in no wise lost to him… For he has an Advocate with The Father, One who stands in his place, having already paid the full price for his transgression… Behold, his sin is remembered no more, and cast into a dark sea of forgetfulness.

Yet many, who call of themselves by My own name, cry aloud, saying… ‚Lo, if a man turns from The Lord, and commits wickedness, even this same man has lost his salvation and shall suffer in the fires of hell.‘ Again, I say to you, you know neither Me nor My Father who is in Heaven! For if you knew Him, and had truly accepted Me and My Word, then I would live in you. And if I truly lived in you, you would understand God’s mercy, which endures forever… For I am that mercy, who lives forever to intercede on your behalf, even a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.

So then, O arrogant generation, who do call of themselves by My own name, you do greatly err. For upon this one truth is the Kingdom built and eternal life established!… Salvation received in Me is forever, as I am forever and unchanging! For I have already told you, this is a cord which can not be broken, for it is made of the finest thread and the strongest steel, and in no wise shall death prevail.

And by no means can one be cast into hell, to suffer day and night without end. This teaching is false and myth, borrowed from the deceiver, who upon all pagan religions were built.

Sons of men, know you not what the Scriptures say… That whosoever believes in The Son abides forever; and whosoever has not The Son shall perish and not see life? How then shall one say, that whether one believes or believes not, both have eternal life?

This teaching among the churches is of the church called mother, and is of her father the devil, of which she continually emulates, seeking after her own glory which she claims she had received from Me… She shall be cut in pieces!


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