Sep 18, 2022 ❤️ Serious Call to Prayer! Jesus says... Organize the Heartdwellers!

1 year ago

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Jesus says... Organize the Heartdwellers!

September 18, 2022 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) Heartdwellers, I am calling out to everyone who cares about the future of America and their children. I am especially appealing to prayer warrior groups and organizers of prayer teams. I have come to believe that President Trump will soon be assassinated unless WE do something. You will travail, dear ones, if we do not stop this through prayer. Better to travail now, in prayer, than after the fact.

Mike from 'Around the World' had a dream twenty-one times, since 2011, about a coffin in the very front of one of our Washington headquarters. It was the Capitol steps, but I am not sure. Mike saw the face of the person in the coffin, but will not disclose it. I do not have the exact details of the dream because it would take too much time to find them in all his teachings.

I also had a dream about an extremely tall man wearing a business suit with a gun in his right-hand suit pocket, who was allowed to enter a room in which he was alone with President Trump. I had the strong impression he was there to kill him. This man had a familiar face, like someone who had collaborated with the President in the past. As I said, this man was extremely tall.

Note... Whether this dream was symbolic or literal, I do not know. There are many ways to assassinate, and not all require guns. Whether a man who is going to try and assassinate President Trump is that tall man, I do not know.

Moving on with Mike’s commentary... The coffin was draped in an American Flag, and Melania Trump was standing beside it. I believe the man in the coffin was President Donald Trump. There was tremendous sadness in the crowd of thousands who were present, and if I have it right, later rioting, and total chaos broke out when a man whom I believe was the murderer was escorted down the stone steps by the police. Mike said he knew who the man was, he recognized him. This was not just the death of a man; it was the death of the only hope of a nation.

My precious Heartdwellers, we are facing the very end of America. As it stands now, President Trump will be assassinated. If this happens, we will all grieve and travail. Tonight, the Lord put it on my heart to pray against it. And when all this dawned on me, all I could do was cry out... 'Please God, do not allow President Trump to be assassinated, dear Lord, PLEASE!' Then, I came to my senses, and I thought... Well, what if it is not President Trump? I should ask. So I said... 'Lord, is the man in the coffin President Trump?' He answered...

(Jesus) “It is.”

(Clare) Lord, please, please can we stop this with prayer?

(Jesus) “It is possible.”

(Clare) Is this a planned and staged event or the real thing?

(Jesus) “It is the real thing, regrettably. A staged event has been on his mind, but he knows what it will do to the country, and he has abandoned that idea. Clare, he is in it until the very end.”

(Clare) Lord, does this have to happen?

(Jesus) “No, it does not. If enough people pray, it will be stopped. It will take prayer, fasting, sacrifice, and dedicated prayer with much travail to stop it.”

(Clare) But is it not better to travail now than later?

(Jesus) “As it stands now, this ugly plan is moving forward. I would not have put it on your heart if it were not true. I put it on your heart, but what are you willing to do to stop it?”

(Clare) Lord, whatever You give me the grace to do, I will do with your grace.

(Jesus) “Well then, organize the Heartdwellers around the world to pray against it. I will put the burdens in their hearts, but you must reach them all with the seriousness of this matter. You do not have much time; the day is approaching.”


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