1 year ago

Moment in Christ is a love channel made for those who seek prayers for different moments and occasions in their lives.
We provide all the content and serve you so that you can also use it as an evangelization tool, sowing and disseminating the video to your friends, family and people you know who also want to know about prayer.

Here you will find prayers, rites, stories of saints and special videos about our everyday beliefs.

New Videos - Monday to Sunday 06:30 and 18:30
Contact e-mail.

Moment in Christ, Our everyday encounter with the word of God.


This prayer is a very powerful protection against all evil, evil spirits, bad people, magic, spells, evils, all evil sent...

It is convenient to do it with some frequency (every one or two months) and with complete confidence in the Power of the Precious Blood of Christ.
You can also copy it and take it with you or place it at the entrance of your home or business, or work, or wherever you want it to be well protected, guarded and defended.

My beloved Lord Jesus, your suffering is ours, your thorns are ours, your blood poured out is our strength and defense, so, Lord, I trust in you, I hope in you, and I that you put in my path, I will receive you with gratitude, love and wisdom; I promise you and may it be your divine will.

My good Jesus, with the power of your Precious Blood
and by your living presence in the Holy Eucharist,
I ask you to give me courage in everyday struggles
in any situation, victory over the enemy.

Heart of the Redeemer's Blood,
my beloved Lord Jesus, come to me,
protect me in all my spiritual ways and battles;
cover my thoughts, powers and senses
and with its powerful protective shell,
cover my body and my life with your power. May the fiery darts of the evil one not touch me either in body or in soul; let neither the poison, nor the spell, nor the malice of men harm and cause me disquiet; let no incarnate or disembodied spirit disturb me or come against me; May Satan and his evil hosts flee from me when they see the Breastplate of Your Protective Blood. O Breastplate of the Redeemer's Blood,

deliver me from all evil and danger, from all adversity and darkness
so that I can fulfill the mission
entrusted to me in this life and give glory to God. I voluntarily consecrate myself and my family to the Power of your Precious Protecting Blood.

My good Jesus, free me and my family
and beloved from all evil and danger,
keep bad people away from us
bad company and evil spirits,
may your Presence protect us and defend us always against all kinds of evil.

Heart of the Redeemer's Blood,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
seal with your Blood my body, my soul and my spirit.

Cover with your wounds, my body, my soul and my spirit
and wash with water on your side
my body, my soul and my spirit,
so that this day may be positive in you
and free me and my family
from all evil and evil, from all danger and disease,
from the traps of the enemy of the soul
in any of its manifestations.

Lord our Jesus Christ, I adore you, I praise you, I bless you,
thank you for your endless love
why you became one of us
born of the Virgin Mary
and for whom you went up to the Cross to give your life for us.

Thank you for your Precious Blood
how you redeemed us.

with your precious blood
sprang from their holiest temples pierced with thorns:
cover us, seal us, wash us, purify us, set us free,
destroy in us all sin, all iniquity,
all evil power, all satanic power, witchcraft, spells and all kinds of envy.

With your Precious Blood
sprouted from your shoulder and back
wounded by the cross you carried on your shoulders:
cover us, seal us, wash us, purify us, set us free,
destroy in us all sin, all iniquity,
every evil power, every satanic power.

With your Precious Blood
sprouted from your side pierced by the spear:
cover us, seal us, wash us, purify us, set us free,
destroy in us all sin, all iniquity,
every evil power, every satanic power.

With your Precious Blood
sprang from his feet and from his hands pierced with nails:
cover us, seal us, wash us, purify us, set us free,
destroy in us all sin, all iniquity,
every evil power, every satanic power.

With your Precious Blood
sprouted from his whole body wounded by the lashes:
cover us, seal us, wash us, purify us, set us free,
destroy in us all sin, all iniquity,
every evil power, every satanic power.

Heart of the Redeemer's Blood,
I ask you to be my protection today and always,
and deliver me from evil at all times and places.


Pray three Our Fathers and three Glories to the Father.

Say prayers and prayers in the morning and evening
for three days in a row, best if done all month long.

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Thanks .

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