Unions: Even if you hate Dan, still vote Labor.

2 years ago

Australian unions telling their members to vote for Labor is nothing new.

But our audience (which skews young) will likely never get to see the inside of a union work meeting, so have a gander at what construction workers are being told before a state election.

This is a very tame example considering what my family members have been forced to sit through on union controlled sites, as well as hundreds of stories sent to us by viewers.

The point is, a democratic result is never the pure will of the people. It's always distorted through campaigning by all sides, media biases, self-preservation fear mongering, pork barrelling, smear campaigns, emotional manipulation...

This includes freedom parties. This includes climate change parties. This includes all the majors. Some are worse than others but any politician that crows in victory on election night claiming a single mandate is lying to themselves, and to us.

We often make messy and reluctant choices at the ballot box.

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