Healing & Victory… Study My Messages to understand the Dynamics ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

1 year ago

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Healing & Victory… Study My Messages to understand the Dynamics

August 29, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus, do You have something more for us?

(Jesus) “I do. This calls for patient endurance and faith. When I heal you, you may manifest total or partial healing, depending on what is best for your soul. Remember, I prayed twice for the blind man to see. (Mark 8:23-25)

“I did this deliberately to show you that continued prayer is necessary for some conditions. It is one thing for Me to pray and a miracle manifests, and quite another for My creation to pray – whose faith is imperfect – and a miracle to manifest. Nonetheless, it can be done, according to your faith and this is where I am leading all of you.

“A soul must be ready to be healed. The circumstance that allowed that cross to manifest must run its course, and when it does, the sickness, too, can be healed. Then the soul must walk in what I have done, even with repeated attacks against it both in body and mind. They must walk in faith. This is the point where most lose their healings.

“My children, indeed, you must fight to keep your healing. You will continually be assaulted with lying symptoms, even attacks against the vessel I used will be insinuated, to undermine the healing. If you can just continue to keep your eyes on Me, like the woman who touched my garment. Continue to touch My garment and firmly refute every accusation that you were not healed.

“Then there are open doors that allow the sickness back in. There are many among you who have brought these sicknesses upon yourselves, because of your critical attitude towards your brothers and sisters. Your healing will not last unless you are in an all-out war against your pride, which allows you to raise your head above others and look down upon them with judgments. This IS the major door for sickness: continual negative judgments against others. The healing needs to begin within you in order for an external healing to be totally effective.

“I do not want to discourage you, My very Precious Ones, but I must speak the truth to you or you will be continually frustrated with your results. Judgment opens the door for demons, demons bring sickness, and I cannot keep a door closed that you are continually opening. I will reveal to you what it is like to walk in victory, but then you must maintain it by holiness of your heart and mind.

“And what Clare has said about leaving a vestige behind or allowing a very small portion to manifest is absolutely true. But if it is My doing, it will go away after My ends are accomplished, unless you know that this illness is allowed because you have offered yourself to Me without conditions and we have agreed upon it. In which case, symptoms will be more severe at certain times, but then they will decrease. There is nothing I have more compassion for than those who have chosen to suffer voluntarily, because they love others enough to carry that cross I have offered them. This is profoundly pleasing to Me, and with such souls I commune and reveal secrets.

“This teaching is sorely neglected and misunderstood in modern Christianity. And due to that, you have monumental depression among those who are afflicted and not healed. Guilt weighs them down day after day as they cry out… ‘Why, Lord, have you not healed me? What have I done? What are my sins that deserve such punishment?’

“They live guilt-ridden lives, believing that they have no faith, that their devotion and belief in Me is at fault. When I would have them know that they are intercessors with golden censors, whose fragrance reaches the Father’s throne. In this way, they would live in peace and happiness, rather than living full of doubts, bitterness and depression...


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