Jesus Warning & True Apostolate ❤️ New Communities, Disciples & Apostles...3rd Testament Chapter 8-2

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Words of Warning to those who hear of the Spiritualist Work

29. I wish that when My communication has concluded, you have a well defined idea of that which is in this Doctrine, so that you may duly fulfill it, for up to this moment the true spiritualists have not arisen among the multitudes that have heard My Word. Until now it has not been Spiritualism that you have practiced, but rather a version of My Work as you have conceived of it, but which is very far from true spirituality.

30. You will need to arm yourselves with the strength to accept that which has confused you; you must rise to amend your practices, seeking with a will that among you the truth and purity of My Doctrine shine forth.

31. Do not fear to change the outward part of your practices and worship without altering the essence of My teachings. (252, 28 – 30)

32. Make use of the time that you still have to hear My teaching, so that it may fill you with light and grace, so that you may advance firmly toward spirituality, an advance that you have not made because of having continued within a cult of materialism and error.

33. Until now, you have lacked faith to renounce your forms, your rituals, and your symbols, to seek Me spiritually among the infinite. You have lacked the courage to be spiritualists, and have conceived a way of seeming spirituality, hiding behind it your materialism and errors.

34. I do not wish you to be hypocrites, but sincere lovers of the truth; it is therefore that I speak with great clarity, so that you may cleanse your lives and show the world the truth that is in this Work. Do you say you are spiritualists? Then be so in truth. Do not speak of My Doctrine while you do all that is contrary to it, for with your acts you will only confuse humanity.

35. Above all, know that which is My Work; what My Law means, what your calling is, and how you must carry it out, so that if you do not have a guide worthy of marking your steps, you may be guided by conscience and by the knowledge of My Doctrine that you have acquired. Thus you cannot blame another for any misstep or error.

36. From the time that My communication by means of human understanding began, I have wished you to put into practice your gifts, and that you begin your spiritual mission so that when the day of My departure arrives, you will have traveled part of the road and not feel too weak to begin the fulfillment of such a delicate mandate.

37. Some have known how to interpret the Divine idea and have made efforts to bring it to fulfillment, but there are also those, and they are the majorities, who have misunderstood the meaning of this Work.

38. These are the errors that I come to bring to the attention of this people, for I do not wish those who have been so long instructed, to be mocked by humanity.

39. Some are only interested in the essence of My Word, and yearn for the progress and evolution of the spirit, while others are pleased by My outward worship, so that while the former enjoyed receiving teachings about spirituality, others were displeased that their errors were mentioned.

40. Only I know who will respond to Me for all that which should have been known through My spokesmen, but has been withheld.

41. Meditate, and understand that the unification that you need is spiritual, and that you will attain it when you rise above your passions and fanaticism.

42. How can you create peace when each goes forth proclaiming his own teachings as the only truth while combating that of all others as false?

43. Fanaticism is darkness, blindness, and ignorance, and its fruits can never be those of the light.


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