Foolishness of The LORD (1 Corinthians 1:20-27)

1 year ago

It's okay to wrestle with questions. Remember that Jacob wrestled till he got his blessing. The climax moment is what will be chosen. Blessing or Curse. Chasing after HIM or running away because of fear rather than trust that the broken places can be made whole and the whole places can be used as a testimony to bring about praise as HE builds HIS Kingdom and birth it in us. We cannot know HIS thoughts, we can have HIS heart through, HE wants to give it to us, comes with the intimate relationship. I mean, GOD isn't going to chance to when we encounter HIM, we are going to have to.
It may not make sense, but the fruit bears it out. Proof is in the pudding, right? So if our lives are bearing the fruit of the SPIRIT then yay! There is always more fruit we can produce. And if our lives are bearing pour fruit, then praise GOD that HE already did the first pruning when we came to call upon JESUS as King. The more we are pruned, the better the fruit. So that the more we chase after HIM and lie down ourselves the more fruit we can bare.

Look at it like cells and black holes. Black holes consume. They consume everything around them. Cells however give wholly and completely of themselves as they do what they are made for and in doing so are made more of themselves, we call this mitosis. So let's take and apply to our lives. ^.^ When we are black holes we consume, the good, the joy, the happy, the hope. If you've never been one, you know the type. (Myself... I was a black hole) When we give ourselves (agape love) fully, self sacrificially, to the point where we lose ourselves (die ourselves to HIM) we truly find ourselves. We become more the us we are and were always meant to be (healed). I mean JESUS (YESHUA) said it well in Matthew: (10:38-39) "If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it." (It's rough, and it takes lying our lives that we might truly live. Cells giving rather than black holes consuming. HE inscribes hints everywhere; easter eggs, huckleberries, the goodies that are right there before us and invite us to either praise HIM or focus on the waves that have only ever been interested in pulling us under in the chaos of the sea.

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