Jesus explains the true Worship of God ❤️ Do NOT build Prayer Houses, build Shelters for the Poor

1 year ago

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True Worship

THE GREAT GOSPEL OF JOHN – Volume 1, Chapter 49
Revealed by Jesus Christ thru the inner Word to Jakob Lorber

Chapter 49 – True Worship. The Irhael speech. “Not houses of prayer, but hostels and hospitals for the poor shall you build Me!” Reference to the temple of creation

1. Says the high priest: “I am all well now, and I do hope that this entire area will be well shortly. But allow me just one more question, and it would be: Are we to still honor the mountain and your old house, and honor your Sabbaths there, or should we erect a new house here, where we may meet in Your Name? If the latter is Your will, then, tomorrow, would you be so kind as to show us the appropriate spot that would be most pleasing to you, and we shall do everything in our power to accommodate Your desire.”

2. Say I: “Friend, that which is essential for you and mankind at large, I have already made known to you on the mountain today.

3. But for the consideration thereof neither the old house on the mountain, and even less so a new one in the city is required; only your faithful hearts as well as a firm and good will are needed.

4. When I came here yesterday and rested at Jacob’s well, encountering Irhael, she too, upon recognizing Me, asked Me whether God is to be worshipped on Gerizim or in the temple at Jerusalem. Let her tell you what answer I gave her.”

5. Now the high priest turns to Irhael, and she says: “The Lord spoke to me thus:

6. ‘The hour is approaching, and has arrived already, when the true worshippers of God shall worship Him neither upon Gerizim nor in the temple at Jerusalem. For God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must do so in spirit and in truth.’ This the Lord spoke, you are a high priest and should now know what has to be done from now on.

7. I am of the opinion that, since the Lord has bestowed such exceeding grace upon us all and took lodging in this house, which is not mine, but His, and shall remain so, this house shall remain a memorable one forevermore, and therein we shall assemble in His name always and sanctify the Sabbath in His honor.”

8. Says the high priest: “Yes, yes, you are quite right, if only we were all believers, but some consideration must be given to the weak as well! They would be even more offended by this.”

9. Say I: “Irhael is right! Whoever is offended, well, let him be offended and climb his mountain. When there is nothing else to be found there, he will certainly begin to think of something better.

10. In the future, do not build more houses for Me, and instead erect guest houses and shelters for the poor who have nothing to offer you in return!

11. In the love for your poor brothers and sisters shall you be My true worshippers, and in such houses of prayer I shall be among you frequently, without you growing aware of it necessarily. However, in temples built for worshipping Me with your lips, as has been the case until now, I shall dwell no more from now on than man’s intellect dwells in his little toe.

12. If you still wish to awaken your hearts to Me and enter the proper humility in an exalted temple, then go outside, far into the temple of My creations, for then the sun, moon, all the stars, the sea, the mountains, the trees, the birds of the air, the fish of the water and the countless flowers of the fields will proclaim My glory to you!

13. Do tell Me, is not the tree more glorious than all the splendor of the temple at Jerusalem? A tree is a pure work of God, it has its own life and brings forth nourishing fruit. But what does the temple bring forth? I say unto you: Nothing but arrogance, anger, envy, and the most blatant jealousy and imperiousness, because it is not of God; it is a vain work of man!

14. Truly, truly, I say to you all: He who shall honor, love and worship Me by doing good to his brothers and sisters in My name, shall have his everlasting reward in Heaven, but he who only honors Me with a myriad of ceremonies, in a temple built for this express purpose, shall receive his temporal reward from the temple. When, however, after the death of his flesh, he comes to Me and says: ‘Lord, Lord, have mercy on me, your servant’, I shall say unto him: ‘I do not know you, therefore depart from Me and seek your reward with him whom you served.’ For this very reason you too must have nothing more to do with any temple from now on.

15. But in this house you may always assemble in remembrance of Me, whether on a Sabbath or any other day, because every day belongs to the Lord, not just the Sabbath, on which, in the future, you may do just as much good as on any other day.”

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