Who or What is the Object of Your Desires?

1 year ago

Download the lesson text here: https://8a7b80e1-c6c9-44a1-bb17-70fd711fd286.filesusr.com/ugd/e575c5_0cc1ad80fd5843508acee39e192ee0de.docx?dn=CT%203%20a.docx

The depth & intensity of legitimate human need/desire is often hidden to us, generally speaking. The devil knows that we are driven by our need for affection, acceptance, accomplishment & approval. He also knows that as we develop out of childhood that we invariably will choose to attach our needs/desires to some objects (people & situations) that we believe will fulfill us. Long ago the forces of evil developed an attractive system of lies (kosmic system) that promise happiness (+H) & fulfillment through people & human accomplishment, totally apart from God. Every human being falls into this trap by believing in the illusion of +H without God. Because we are born separated from God, the kosmic system is the only option available to us. Paul called the beliefs that we construct out of this system the Old Man (Rom 6:6, Eph 4:22, Col 3:9).

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