WISDOM SHORTS - space versus time. And why the mind will ALWAYS fail to understand the universe.

1 year ago

Hello there everyone, really felt a need to add this to the collection of videos I have :) Hopefully it raises a bit of awareness into people and has them realise the mind is very weak at going for things beyong the physical realm, mainly because logics work on the knowledge one knows. And that can be mainly experienced through the physical body. What lies beyond physicality, or is nowadays called spiritual goes beyond the mind, therefore meaning will ALWAYS be just a minor version. A minimised version of what the entirety of its being actually exists. And this only because the mind seeks control. And those trapped in its impulses will always use ANY justification to have it their own way, only to please their Mental Overlord :) a.k.a. their mind. This is also proof of how far many people are willing to run away from that which they truly are: which is again, beyond meaning - that is the ultimate truth of why many cannot simply accept that: meaning they identified with is far more important than them and creation itself, so they just love this game of exploring labyrinths of the mind in vain. There is no exit from meaning, just as there is no entrance: the labyrinth of meaning is created through each individual's support, and only exists as a fantasy to themselves. Problem is that this is a collective issue nowadays, so people who have ascended this will always feel "alien". These fantasies are nothing else than illusions, albeit very convincing ones, because that's how powerful the mind is at convincing the being that exists by it. It is the mind's ultimate superpower, but only if allowed to function in ignorance and embraced that way. ^^

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