Overnight Opinions: The Gestapo is Here - Journalist Missing 6 Months After FBI Raid

1 year ago

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Background Music Credit:
Music: Hang for Days - Silent Partner https://youtu.be/A41A0XeU2ds


Have you heard about the journalist who has been missing for 6 months sending a cryptic Tweet?

Meet James Gordon Meek.

He is an Emmy Award-winning ABC News journalist. His credits are impressive. He has broken several high-profile national security and terrorism-related stories, as well as produced a Hulu documentary titled “3212 Un-redacted.” He also worked as a senior investigator for the House Homeland Security Committee. So this guy knows what he’s doing.

So why did he go missing… well, it seems like he got in deep… too deep.

The 52-year-old typed out what would be his last Tweet on April 27 at 4:59 AM. In response to someone else’s esoteric Tweet on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Meeks Tweeted the single word “facts.”
That day the FBI conducted a raid at his apartment in Arlington, Virginia. The Department of Justice won’t comment and the FBI only confirmed that it performed “court-authorized law enforcement activity” on that block. They remain steadfast on not commenting “due to an ongoing investigation.”
According to Rolling Stone, sources say the FBI raid classified information found on Mr. Meek’s computer. However, we don’t know for sure as the documents remain sealed.
But that’s it. No one has heard from him since that last Tweet.
Even close associates don’t know where he has gone.
ABC News says he abruptly resigned from his position earlier this year.
The co-author on his upcoming project hasn't heard from him either, saying, “he contacted me in the spring, and was really distraught, and told me that he had some serious personal issues going on and that he needed to withdraw from the project.”
It also seems like Mr. Meek’s name has been removed from promotional materials for the book.
One former coworker said that, “he fell off the face of the Earth.”
Mr. Meeks’ lawyer has responded to the rumors of classified documents, saying, “Mr. Meek is unaware of what allegations anonymous sources are making about his possession of classified documents. If such documents exist, as claimed, this would be within the scope of Mr. Meek’s long career as an investigative journalist covering government wrongdoing.”
He went on to call the leak “highly inappropriate, and illegal, for individuals in the government to leak information about an ongoing investigation.” He has since demanded the Justice Department investigate the leak.

But beside that from his lawyer, nothing else. It’s been six months.
His neighbors haven’t even seen him since then either. Other witnesses say his apartment is vacant. And Meek’s attorney has not given any information on his whereabouts, job status, or the reason that he left ABC.
Investigative journalists who go missing for 6 months after an FBI raid doesn’t sound like something that would happen in the U.S. Whether you want to put on your tinfoil hat or not, something is fishy here.
The Biden administration instituted a new policy last year - one that prohibited federal investigators from taking journalists' records without approval from the deputy attorney general. That individual would be Lisa Mocano. So this raid on Meek that the FBI won’t officially confirm, if it did happen - like we all pretty much know it did - means that it came from high up. What did Meeks know? When did he know it? Who would it hurt? How would it embarrass the government?

In the past, he exposed the alleged cover-up of a friendly fire death in Iraq. His Hulu documentary exposed a failed mission in Niger.

A national security journalist, with a knack for embarrassing the government with his reporting goes missing after an FBI raid… nah, nothing to see here. If you believe that, I bet you’re still wearing a face mask.

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