Discussions about the new Word of God ❤️ The Book of Life... 3rd Testament Chapter 6-2

1 year ago

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Discussions about The New Word... The Book of Life Chapter 6

27. If to you My Doctrine seems strange in so far as you think that knowing Me, you have never heard these words, I tell you that your surprise is the result of your negligence in penetrating the depths of what I revealed to you in times past. It is for that reason that this Doctrine seems strange or new, when in reality this light has been always present in your life. (336, 36)

28. My Doctrine, in this, as in the Second Era, shall move humanity. The hypocrites will have to confront sincerity. Falsity will let its mask fall and the truth will shine forth. The truth shall prevail over the lie that envelops this world.

29. Man will be able to understand and recognize all that which encompasses reason and truth, but all that which He was obliged to believe without understanding, He will reject, and therefore My Doctrine will spread, because it gives forth the light that men need. A great part of this work falls to you, that of revealing to your brothers its beginning, and its end. (237, 28 – 29)

30. Humanity is hungry for My Word, for My truth; men yearn and clamor for the light to come to their understanding, they demand justice and await counsel. This is a decisive time; in truth I tell you that many ideas, theories, and even dogmas that have been held as truths for centuries shall fall to the earth and be abandoned as false. Fanaticism and idolatry will be fought against and exterminated by those who were most involved and faithful to it; the teachings of God will be understood, their light, their content, and their essence will be comprehended and felt.

31. The men of science, after a time of testing, during which they will suffer very great confusion, when in their spirits the light shines, and they hear the voice of their conscience, will discover that of which they had never dreamed.

32. Again I tell you: be vigilant, for in the time of the struggles of creeds and doctrines, of religions and sciences, many men, knowing that you do not carry books, will believe that the knowledge given them by their books will be the weapon by which they can defeat My new disciples. (150, 11 – 13)

33. I have told you, disciples, that you shall have to look at the great religions and the small sects directly in the eye; but before neither should you have fear. The truth that I have entrusted to you is transparent, the Word that I have taught you is clear and simple on its surface, but infinitely deep in its content, and they are powerful weapons with which you will struggle and win.

34. And yet I tell you: There shall arise a people on the earth full of materialism and disbelief, to deny to you the right to call yourselves Israel, to deny your testimony of having received the new coming of the Messiah, and these people are the Jews. Have you not thought this? These people await in their bosom the arrival of their Messiah, their Savior, from whom they will receive justice and who will place them once again over all the peoples of the earth. These people know that I have always come to them, and in this Third Era, I shall say: Why should God come to another people? But here are My teachings. (332, 10)

35. This spiritualist people live unknown. The world does not know of your existence, and the great do not notice you, but the struggle between Spiritualists and Christians, between Spiritualists and Jews approaches. That struggle is necessary for the establishment of My Doctrine throughout humanity. Then shall the Old Testament be united in one single essence with the Second and the Third.

36. To many this appears impossible; to Me it is the most natural, it is just, and perfect.


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