Toxic Masculnity DOES NOT exist

1 year ago

What is toxic masculinity? Does toxic masculinity even exist? What about toxic femininity? Let's join forces with Jordan Peterson and find out.

Weirdly, by not being stoic and complaining about one term being in the dictionary and not the other, I'm not engaging in "toxic masculinity". Can we just be done with this term? There are toxic people, toxic humans, toxic behaviors, there are even toxic animals, have you ever seen a monkey bite someone's face off, because I have. Either we accept that both terms exist or neither, I'm happy either way. 😎

Toxic Masculinity:

toxic masculinity is a set of attitudes and ways of behaving stereotypically associated with or expected of men, regarded as having a negative impact on men and on society as a whole.

"the destructive messages associated with toxic masculinity can lead to men feeling entitled to engage in violence against women"

What is an example of toxic masculinity? A few examples include telling boys to “man up” when they feel upset or justifying abusive and inappropriate behavior with the phrase “boys will be boys.” Toxic masculinity can be defined as “the need to aggressively compete and dominate others and encompasses the most problematic proclivities in men.

What are the three elements of toxic masculinity? Common traits of toxic masculinity include themes of mental and physical toughness. aggression. stoicism, or not displaying emotion

Toxic femininity Willful ignorance, a heavy sense of entitlement with a refusal to take responsibility for one's own actions, is encouraged by others with the same condition and reality shows. See: narcissism." We always got toxic femininity from the customers coming out of the yoga studio a few doors down." (true story)

#toxicmasculinity #manosphere #redpill

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