Confirm or Deny (Coronavirus: (D) Classified

1 year ago


In Jesuit high school, if you are not Roman Catholic, as a freshman, you are required to take "Personal Development" instead of religion, a lawful segregation, and nobody ever complained about being segregated, or even tried to get enrolled in the class with the Roman Catholics, which would have been interesting just to see the outcome, from an empirical perspective, as a scientist. In sophomore, wise fool, literally, year, before you get a toehold on Roman Catholic religion, at least we had the first half of the year in more Personal Development, before getting a course on God and Film, imagining God as a movie director, and, perhaps like some folks in pandemic, considering the deeper meaning in films, and ignoring plot holes.

However, in sophomore PD2, we were introduced to journaling, and were required, each week, to submit our reflections, which was something, perhaps, like going to confession, or maybe even, if you think about it, collection with an illusory sense of agency, and a little undue influence, because you just volunteered to tell some teacher your deepest feelings, which could later be used against you, never thinking: I have a right to remain silent, but personally my experience in high school didn't turn me into a Not Afraid to Burn in Hell Don Beyer, proud his four kids had rejected God, Church and religion. I'm waiting for him to claim he got molested or something, because he's definitely got a lot of angst, and, even as a married man, keeps protesting his sexual freedoms not being permitted to be expressed, which may explain why his wife, he actually said, kept waking up screaming, "Donald Trump!" Congressman, too much information.

However, in reflection, we went full throttle Michael Jackson, to take a look at the man in the mirror, a great segue to junior year honors English, with classical literature and the form in medias res, with the central question being, given that here I am, how did I get here? Everything begins somewhere, Doc.

How did I get a half dozen cases docketed at the Supreme Court? In my best 2018 VA8GOP nominee Thomas Oh voice, but without the free PMP certification, the no money down home approved by VA, with the flip to a $635k property, a brand new construction, with sufficient additional money to pay the fee to enter the closed convention, unopposed, but for some reason too high an amount to have been approved by VA without somebody with connections in Congress, maybe an incumbent who wants an easy win, to grease the wheels, I never planned to go to court in a pandemic, but a pandemic got in the way.

If I was my adversary in what was then still a D+15 congressional district, where an Independent, at most, would capture only five percent, I would have just let me run, and been done, but I'm not a scientist in the congressional district with the most government scientists.

But, when you go to court, you need a legal cause of action, and a pandemic happened to get in the way; so, like at least one Republican running for U.S. Senate in the primary, against Dan Gade, I decided to request a pandemic exception to qualify for the ballot, and, again, the easiest thing would be to just let me "express myself", like we do for kids with personal pronouns and gender, to show respect, right?

But in court you don't wanna be the guy who just screams "Due Process", like former GWU Law School Dean, and former W&L Law professor of Admin Law, Blake Morant told us to do in his class, in his first job after leaving the Army, at completion of his military service obligation. You need to develop the argument, and he had taught us all about Chevron U.S.A. v. N.R.D.C., a big EPA case about government experts and regulatory deference; so, I just did what the teacher said to do, and expected that everything would be okey doke, until I suffered a breakthrough infection, so to speak, and found myself on appeal, again, and again.

That should be, to a reasonable person, a clue that something you are doing isn't quite right; however, with regard to pandemic, like the "DACA case" rule said, judicial review of government action is limited to what had occurred at the time, regardless of whether Tony Fauci's crystal ball says, the court only looks at what had happened at the time, eschewing speculation, at least before "evolving science".

Long story short, for two years, just like back in my old Ranger Days (I'm Ranger Dysphoric, they say), going down to JOTC Panama, spending two weeks in a triple canopy rain forest with no tent, fresh air, and looking at a sloth that never moved more than an inch, I've been looking at the beginning of your pandemic, while everyone else has been running from spikes and surges and new mutant variant strains, and, if looking at what I noticed about the beginning of your pandemic, you can honestly argue that a novel coronavirus did not originate in a laboratory, I'd honestly love to hear your argument, because, so far, Dr. Northam, Dr. Oliver, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Walensky, and Dr. Woodhouse decided to run away from court like I was a dreaded coronavirus.

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