Understanding Nobel Prize Winner Patrick Modiano

2 years ago

When French author Patrick Modiano won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2014, most of the English-speaking world was dumbfounded. Who's Patrick Modiano?

At first, I didn't know what to make the prolific author's noir-esque, vague mysteries either. ...

The shadow of the Nazi occupation of Paris pervades his books, and he writes about conmen, burlesque dances, pimps and gangsters. ...

But after reading over 20 of his 30 or so books, I realized that what Modiano does is amazing. His books recreate the act of remembrance and forgetting. ... and with a simple, straightforward vocabulary.

Some of my favorites from Patrick Modiano’s extensive bibliography: "Honeymoon," “Little Jewel,” “Invisible Ink,” “Out of the Dark,” "Dora Bruder" and “Such Fine Boys.”

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