Stony ground soil (The Sower and the seed Matthew 13:1-23)

1 year ago

Stony ground soil (The Sower and the seed Matthew 13:1-23)
Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and for a while you think your talking to someone who really knows what they are talking about but as the conversation goes a little deeper you realize they just have surface knowledge and no depth of knowledge? I remember once having a conversation with an individual in a hospital waiting room, both of us was waiting for our loved ones to come out of surgery and we started talking about the bible and the Lord. The conversation was going well and then this person started to quote the bible, only the things they were quoting was not from the Bible. I remember one quote they through out was, “you know the bible said that you just have to push the pedal to the metal and hope for the best.” Well, there is no such scripture in the Bible, and I quickly began to realize this individual had no depth in their relationship with God and was only repeating things they had heard other people say. In the parable on the Sower and the seed, this is the type of person that receives the seed in the stony ground soil (v.5-6, v.20-21). These individuals receive the word of God, but they never grow in their depth in their relationship with God so when things get tough, they just wither away.
When someone gives their heart to Jesus Christ the most important thing they can do is dig deep into the word of God and plant themselves firmly in the truth. You do not need to hear everyone’s opinion about what the Bible says, you need to read and study to find out exactly what it says. The apostle Paul chastises the church of Corinth in 1 Corinthians 3 when he says that they are still like babies on the milk of God’s word, and they never grew up and moved into the meat of the word. As believers to ensure that we do not wither away when life comes hard at us, we must have depth in our relationship with God and His word. We cannot just skim the surface only getting fed once or twice a week during a church service, we must feed on the word of God daily. Jesus says that these individuals with no depth fade away because they are the ones who are easily offended by everything going on around in. They lack depth meaning their focus is upon themselves and their desires instead of the things of God’s Kingdom. Let us encourage you to dig deep into word of God, spend much time in prayer, and surround yourself with those in your life that drive you closer to God.

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