i can criticize america cos I AM AMERICAN

1 year ago

all the problems that i have with _____
west civ as a whole is the problem
westernites know nothing
they believe in industries/progress
i am not in favor of a free society
God gives you rights, damnit
open or close my mouth (close it amy close it, says society)
i have the right to decide what comes outta my mouth
do what i want or don't do what i don't want
it's all in yer mind, man
in order to sell you the next war, they gotta sell you freedom
if you don't like america leave hahahaha
the cows ain't ever comin home
i ain't leavin america cos i could make it better
i think it's fucked up to leave yer home country
leave yer culture/nation/country men
all that immigrants do is take from the people that live here
i have strongly considered going elsewhere
what if it's all the same
what if this thing is just a different version of the other thing
all the lies we tell ourselves
...all to divorce another bitch
can you tell when i'm annoyed
mfing $$$$$$$$ doesn't make a country good
a docile attitude is not good
this is how patriots talk damnit
capitalism is their religion, we see the downsides is all
all the systems are bad, man
it's too easy to turn a good thing bad
this happens so often in the system
maybe i'm wrong about this but i'd rather invest hope elsewhere
technology is too far advanced now
i'm one of the only ones that can see it
not enough people willing to bend over backwards
laughed at, ridiculed and mocked is the same thing amy hahaha
i'm so tired vortex
sacrifices for the greater good
i hope to inspire but...
getting yelled at for not doing the bare minimum
why yours truly is absolutely necessary
yes Jesus is alive and well, so true!
five oh made me a little nehvous
"progress" will leave ag behind, but Jesus won't

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