What has consistently been getting shittier? #society #lifehacks

1 year ago

What has consistently been getting shittier?
Social media
Advertisements. Not only the quality of advertisements, but frequency has skyrocketed. For example, when you watch a basketball game, these motherflockers put an ad in between free throw attempts. Everything is presented by Company XYZ, everything has some sort of advertisement connected to it, and it is infuriating.
My health as I get older. People aren’t kidding when they say “I turned X age and started falling apart” it actually happens
Housing costs.
Fast food. It was always bad for you, but now it doesn't taste as good either, and is more expensive, on top of being bad for you.
Life and perception. As i get older and learn more I consistently yearn for “the old days” but I’m not actually yearning for old days…I’m merely wishing I could go back to when I didn’t know anything about how life and the world actually operates. Youthful perception is usually more optimistic.
Mainstream network television programing
The quality of search results on Google. They're all ads and SEO for relevance seems to have completely broken down.
YouTube. 2 unskippable ads with every freaking video. And more throughout. I’m honestly surprised if there’s only 2.
Streaming services.
My attention span.
What hasn't been getting shittier tbh.
Perception of people as you grow up. When you’re a little kid, you think adults can fix things. Then, as you get older, you realize that they don’t fix things very well.
Cost of living
My flocking attitude.
I work in healthcare and I would have to say the hospitals themselves have gotten progressively shittier. It’s at the point that I would not want to get sick and have them take care of me. Hospitals are purely trying to make as much profit as possible and it is at the expense of the hospital staff and patients. It’s honestly horrifying.
Well, after scrolling through all these comments I’m just gonna say everything has gone to shit
quality of everyday items, they were more durable in the past, now they make them not to last so you'll buy it again
People's behaviour/attitude to each other.
Take out and dine in. The food quality has gone down the tubes and the prices are insane.
google search
Restaurants. The really nice ones have maintained a high standard, but the middle of the road places have really tanked in terms of service and food quality while jacking up prices. It’s just not worth it to eat out unless you’re either just going for cheap bar food or going out somewhere really nice.
Google. It's so hard to search for anything, even if you use quotes and boolean operators you get garbage results almost entirely unrelated to your query. It used to be much better years ago.
Quality of ALL furniture and materials used in general production, including ultra-luxury brands. It’s almost impossible to buy anything that isn’t a piece of shit, regardless of your budget.
The quality of politicians in the United States. And most of the rest of the world. The majority are power hungry, money hungry people who shouldn't be representing the people of their country/state in the first place. The few good ones are powerless to do anything against the crooked majority.
Online dating
The use of people’s common sense and respect.
Health insurance
My toilet as I sit here
The internet.
The coverage of polarized political views in the news in order to draw in readers.
Drivers. Why the flock don't you people use your turn signals?
Gaming industry
The cost of living
*gestures vaguely at everything*
AskReddit posts
Gaming, especially monetization.
Me mentally
The price of houses
Chocolate bars. Flock 'snack pack' size, gimme back King Size Mars Bars

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