Biden Administration Sued by Liberal ACLU– They Just Made a Major Immigration Accusation Against Joe

1 year ago

At the start of his presidency, Joe Biden bowed to the radical left. And the country’s been suffering ever since.

For some odd reason, the “moderate” Biden gave up all pretenses of uniting the country. All to make happy the far-left wing of his party. But has that actually satisfied these socialists? Not one bit.

So-called socialist AOC recently attacked Biden, saying his attempts to legalize pot didn’t go far enough. Now, a major left-wing organization is going after Biden with a major lawsuit.

From Fox News:

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other legal groups filed a lawsuit against Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Thursday, alleging that migrants detained in four detention facilities in Florida, Louisiana, Texas and Arizona have been denied legal representation.

In the lawsuit, the plaintiffs allege that attorneys face “numerous obstacles” in attempting to communicate with detained migrants. These obstacles, the lawsuit says, make representation “extremely difficult and, sometimes, impossible.”

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