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2 years ago

There are over 100 different kinds of autoimmune diseases now, and the number of people suffering from them continues to rise. ⬆️

Lifestyle and environmental factors that damage our internal cellular environments are most certainly at play, and poor digestive health is a key factor as well.

I’ve seen it time and time again through CHA - we fix someone’s gut and balance their microbiome, reducing inflammation and healing the gut lining (thereby eliminating leaky gut), and autoimmune-related symptoms decrease or resolve.

Why is this? When our gut health is out of whack, our food can’t be digested properly - and our body begins to identify undigested proteins, in particular, as foreign objects that need to be attacked and destroyed by our immune systems. 🔥🔥

These proteins can “look” strikingly similar to proteins found in the thyroid and other areas of the body, and over time the immune system begins attacking them, too.

It’s a vicious cycle that can only be broken by healing the cells in the gut, and restoring health to the digestive system.

Learn more by visiting www.coleclass.com.

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