Freedom over FEAR. Remember where you are!

2 years ago

#consciousness #spiritualego #hypocrisy

Youtube is chock full of people who tell you about how BAD everything is on our planet, how we are heading into a global orwellian nightmare, the timelines are set and there is no escape! Utter fucking tosh.

Then there are others who tell you how to live your life. They explain to you how through methodology about how to attract the life of your dreams, how to change your sense of self-identity or become more magnetic in order to attract love and companionship. Marketing experts who exploit people who are vulnerable and lazy. One size fits all spirituality.

Both these groups of people are living on borrowed time. This kind of energy will be seen for what it really is, exploitive, insincere and unauthentic by the middle of this decade. Those who chose to empower themselves, doing the work that revolves around knowing thyself in 3D and beyond, knowing the game and acting from their hearts will begin to steer clear of those parroting BS while living a life of entitlement at those they exploits expense.

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