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On Jeremy MacKenzie...

2 years ago

V4F Ops Sgt-Maj, Jeff Evely, tries to walk the line, on a very sensitive subject.


  • 0/2000
  • Isn’t it abysmal that with all of the compelling issues Jeremy MacKenzie calls attention to, that the politicians, the media and easily-distracted members of the public find nothing more imperative to highlight and discuss than his 2am chatroom joke?

  • Exactly. JM has a heart of gold.

  • This shows you how corrupt V4F really is....... Jeff Evely you suck!

    1 like
  • JM should never have been arrested and it shows just how corrupt our courts are including the majority of our so called elected politicians. What happened to our police who swore an oath to serve and protect The People. They are the Gestapo of today and our media rivals that of Joseph Goebbels. They use trumped up evidence to frame Canadians and the courts go along with it. Politicians will happily send our troops off to foreign wars to be killed and not lose a second of sleep and for what purpose other then to please the Bankers and their WEF masters. People's Party of Canada has my vote going forward.

  • wow the tought that peoples would defends what that moron said is crasy ......i am a member of V4F and the amount of paranoid members in there is frightening...think that the standard of peoples joining the CDN forces have dropped since in got out in 1977 .The forces need so many peoples that they take in any moron that come along and as one of my fellow ex military told me the IQ of the Armed Forces had a substantial drop since the 1980 .And as i read the comment in here and eslwhere in V4f chat room i am now quite certain of that ...poor Canada