Day 7 - Salmon Run - Epic

1 year ago

This has been truly an epic season for salmon. Biggest run I have ever seen. The irony is, I harvested like 50 fish 4 years ago, and worried that would impact this year'd run. Nope. Best of all, these have been ALL wild fish. Meaning, not stocked, but born there. Stocked fist have their adipose fins clipped. I didn't catch a single stocked fish this year. Every fish was wild. Amazing. There were so many fish we actually got bored of catching them. Which is typically impossible for me. LOL Some were hooked legally in the mouth. Others fouled hooked accidentally Didn't matter. Every fish was released. Well, I kept one big fresh silver fish on day. After that, all catch and release. I love sharing the experience with friends. Makes it that much sweeter, to share a little slice of the secret paradise where I live. I love this place. And I love my life. I pray to God everyday and thank Him for putting me in a position to where I get to enjoy His beauty and bounty. These are the days I dreamed of in prison for 13 years. Literally. So dreams DO come true. I am living proof. Life is good. I share these videos to inspire YOU to get outside, chase dreams, and live your best life. It is the little things that make us truly happy. NOT fortune and fame. Not money and things. Memories are what count. The rest will fall into place if you just give God His due glory, and work hard to be your best you. That is the law of the universe. Work, focus, and put God first. Do that, and watch what happens. Spend your time on positive things. Shy away from negative behavior and negative people. Never care what people say or think. Just be your best you, and always, ALWAYS, put God in charge of your life. Miracles happen. Give it a shot. I have just one more salmon video for you, and then it is jones till next season for me. BUT, it is now deer season. SO I will channel my passion and energy into that. Not expecting to shoot the deer I want. I am after a 3-4 year old mature buck. Nothing else. Slim chance. They tend to be much smarter than me. LOL But I study, maneuver and adapt. I only have 20 acres, but I am surrounded by thousands of acres that are barely or not even hunted. So there is a chance. Doesn't matter of I get one. I justify enjoy being in the tree, watching them. My happy place. I hope this inspires you to find yours! Put God first. Watch what happens, Thank me later.

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