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Q ~ News From The Storm!!


  • 0/2000
  • Mayor of Venice, Tampa, St Pete… ….. Not ethical ….cheaters! LIARS and sleezy officials….. in these areas as well as other areas of Florida too! Rise above the negative frequencies of these corrupt officials. God is having them exposed and dismantled. Praying for full disclosure soon. God Bless from South Florida.

  • I heard DeSantis was already taken out he was deep state. He is a clone .DeSantis was exposed on Telegram. Last night on presidents trump speech. He said something about Mike Lindell. Said no way he made that much money selling pillows..he must be a clone also.you really need to listen close..

  • So happy you're back Linda as I have been checking in with blue water if you were OK. We missed you and glad you're OK. That's what all truthers listeners do is check on our familyand we are abig family and hope all at some point can meet after things are a bit more settled. Love you much!!!

  • its called the law of 200 in public relations.

    1 like
  • this is definitely infestation on a mass scale.....

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  • resident evil has umbrella corp

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  • God bless Linda

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  • I heard the same thing about Kanye sacrificing his mom for his career. "Clearview" channel put up a video in March called "Clones Clones Everywhere" on Rumble. Well worth watching.

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