Write It Forward - by Linda Jean (all rights reserved)

1 year ago

Very interesting story.....a week before going home to see my mom and brother for the first time in three years since dad died....i had a dream that someone was singing a song in a recording studio.....a big wonderful male country voice......i woke up went to the loo and found a piece of cardboard from a new ball cap and a pen and wrote the first lines of the chorus from my memory of the dream. Tried to go back to sleep but the lines of the song kept coming so i was up and down to write them out until finally i gave up on sleep and got up and wrote the whole song. When i got home it became apparent this song was for the three of us.....so on my last day we went to this place as it was Dad's favorite spot and me and my brother decided i needed to sing and play it there. So....here is the video he took from that day. Whatever your story......i hope this song helps you to not look back so much....and start looking forward at all the new experiences and things to look forward for all your days to come. With love....from me to you.

Write It Forward - by Linda Jean, Aug 2022

I was sitting by the river (ocean), watching time flow past.
Thinking of the ones who've loved me, and all of those who've passed.
And I was thinking of my own life, and all the things i haven't done.
And the ones that i have, and all the things that had gone wrong.

Write it forward from the past
Let it go, don't let things last.
Write a song, sing it out,
Sing it strong and sing it loud.
For today is here don't hesitate,
With every breath it's not too late...
To let it go.

Five long years have slowly passed
Since my thoughts fell to the ground.
While i've been asleep the world's moved on
And there's some things that I have found.
A life well lived is simple,
Count your blessings every day,
And be kind and love with all your heart,
And toss your pain away.

Write it forward from the past
Let it go don't let things last.
Write a song, sing it out,
Sing it strong and sing it loud.
For today is here don't hesitate,
With every breath it's not too late....
To let it go...

So many things still left to do,
So many things still left to see.
This world can leave us without wings
And keep us from our dreams.
And like those who've gone before us,
Life's so quick it's but a song,
But it's here to live in joy and love
Every day until it's gone.

Write it forward, from the past,
Let it go don't let things last.
Write a song, sing it out,
Sing it strong and sing it loud.
For today is here, don't hesitate,
With every breath it's not too late......
To let it go....

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