My landlord is trying to raise my rent in a multifamily community. Can he do that?

1 year ago

Good question.

Yes, of course.

As a tenant you have a responsibility to pay the increased rent or to move to another place where the rent is lower. When making your decision to stay or move, it is important that you consider your lease.

You have to be careful to avoid violating your lease. Your landlord has full rights to raise rent on his property. You made the decision to rent the apartment if you don’t like it, then you can either pay the rent and accept the increase. Or, you can move.

What would make you think that you are allowed to keep paying the same rent year after year. You are aware the landlord’s property taxes and insurance and numerous other expenses have increased. Every day they are increasing.

However, it is your choice. If you choose to move and break the lease this can have a variety of bad implications for you. The best would be to factor in how much it will cost you to move in terms of time and energy and then decide if it is better to move or pay the increase.

Before you do any investing you should invest more time and money in your financial and legal education. I offer education and training to landlords, engineers, doctors and dentists, and many others that would like to learn how to enjoy the benefits of multifamily as quickly as possible. If that sounds interesting contact my office by going to and fill out the contact form.

You also can register at at the link below:

I hope that helps and good luck with your investing!

Benjamin Z Miller

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