Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 10-5-22: Super-Rich Prepping for Apocalypse

1 year ago

Concern for troubling times to come has been a theme of the super-rich for a number of years. For the most part the extraordinarily wealthy seem to have ascended to their elite status by a combination of hard work and supernatural assistance. I’ve speculated previously in my Prophecy Update on Young Global Leaders (linked on Rumble) that few men and women in the upper echelons of the rich and famous got there solely under their own power. I firmly believe they have literally made a deal with the devil and sold their souls to him in order to achieve the fabulous life in this world that they seek – whether it be money, fame, or power.

I’ve talked often on this platform of the global elites who – in league with Satan and his minions – are doing all in their power to move into a state of existence they call Humanity 2.0, which is a merging of man and machine. This is also called the Singularity, where artificial intelligence (AI) transcends human intelligence and erases the borders between humanity and computers, and men merge into this networked, eternal utopia. This is the long-sought after Fountain of Youth and the ideal of living forever without the need for God. Man becomes God, just as Satan enticed Eve to believe in the Garden by eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The super-rich are hoping for this soon-coming integration to happen in their lifetimes. But they also know that trouble is brewing in the world – largely because of their own doing in contradiction to following God’s ways. Please see my Prophecy Update of Engineered Climate Catastrophe (linked below) for more details. These wealthy individuals see extremely difficult times ahead and are preparing for them. Because of a rash of articles lately on this topic, I thought I’d bring out slides that I previously showed a couple years ago which graphically illustrate what these wealthy elites plan to do. I’ll use that as a springboard to update you on current thinking by the super-rich and discuss the futility of these efforts as men struggle against God.


Deception: Conspiracy or Reality?

Rich sell soul to devil

Climate disaster

Harbingers Daily:

HD Wayback machine – August 15:

HD Current – October 3:

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Kindle Vella story: Tribulation Rising

Please note that slide presentation is available at my website blog in the posted article with the same title.

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