Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: The Tribulation Must Happen Soon 6-21-23

11 months ago

If all the signs of the very end of this Church Age have converged and are in full swing right now at this very moment, how long can these indicators continue to remain teetering on the edge of complete fulfillment? In other words, do these Biblical prophetic indicators have a finite shelf life as Pastor JD Farag has said many times? Or, can they simply continue indefinitely in their current state and not advance beyond what the Bible says they must be for the end to come? Does technology progress? Or does it remain stagnant? If you’ve followed civilizational progress to any extent, you know that the world has been spinning forward at a crazy pace. It could even be said that it’s falling in line exactly as stated in Daniel 12:4:

“But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”

Are we not in a time where people come and go, one place to another, from local to global, seemingly in the blink of an eye? Even more pertinent, aren’t many chasing their tails in fruitless pursuits of social media fame, social justice, or trying to change their gender because it’s the popular thing to do? Isn’t technology on the brink of advances so profound and unheard of even ten years ago with the advent and promotion of General Artificial Intelligence that humanity itself teeters on the edge of extinction? Can we not agree that we who study Bible Prophecy have seen all these events come together in rapid order – particularly related to Israel – such that God has surely unsealed His end-times book?

The Prophecy Update today considers several of the factors happening in such a way that there can be no doubt that the end is very near. In fact, were as much as five years to go by from now, we would greatly exceed what God has said in His Word that would occur in the last days. That, obviously, cannot happen or God would have stated the condition of the world based on those future technologies.

As you’ll see, given the state of affairs, the Tribulation is very near indeed.


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Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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