FISH ON!!! We caught a 50" Mahi off the Coast of Puerto Rico on our Leopard45! E3

1 year ago

We wave goodbye to San Juan Bay and settle in for a 70+ hour sail to Turks and Caicos.

We had never sailed our boat outside the BVI before by ourselves. This was new territory. Our crew consisted of our friend, Mike, and my brother-in-law, Marc. They met us in Puerto Rico right after Thanksgiving.

After repairing the 12" gash we put in the side of the boat in Old San Juan, we were ready to go. This was the longest passage any of us, other than Jeff, had ever taken. Nerves were a little high, and so was the adrenaline.

The weather was challenging, but the boat handled it just fine. Some of our crew, however, did not handle it as well. But we'll leave that alone.

Then, it happened. The fishing line started singing, and Jeff started reeling. It was a 50" Mahi!!!

Watch the video for all the details. And I hope you enjoy it.
Fish ON!!!

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