Arlington Cemetery and Supra Georgian restaurant Washington D.C. (2022)

2 years ago

In this video we head out to Arlington Cemetery where we will take you to see J.F.K.'s grave site. After that we will take you with us to the changing of the guard. This is a must-see attraction while in D.C. We will go over all the fun facts about this ceremony in this video. Once we are finished doing that we will try and find our way to the Civil War Memorial and Robert E. Lee's house.

After showing you around Arlington Cemetery we get caught in a thunderstorm and have to run in the rain to catch the metro. After spending way too much time learning how to use the metro here in D.C. because the metro maps do not have a key on them to tell you how it works, we figured it out ourselves.

After getting out of our soaking wet clothes and showering we head back out on the town to take you with us to the best Georgian restaurant in Washington D.C. This restaurant ranks probably in our top five we have ever eaten at in our lives. By far the best place we had the pleasure of getting to try in our short time in our nation's capital. So, come with us as we show you all the food you need to try at Supra.

Also, do not forget to subscribe so you can see our travels in D.C. Also, ring that bell so you can see where we go next.

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Key words:
cemetery tour of Arlington,Arlington cemetery tours,Arlington national cemetery graves,famous gravesites of Arlington,changing of the guard,arlington cemetery,3rd US Infantry Regiment (Military Unit),The Old Guard,best food in dc,best restaurants in dc,best dc restaurants,top restaurants in washington dc,where to eat in dc,new dc restaurants,iconic dc restaurants,food in dc,Tomb Of The Unknowns (Tourist Attraction),jfk grave,jfk gravesite

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#cemeterytourofArlington #Arlingtoncemeterytours #Arlingtonnationalcemeterygraves #famousgravesitesofArlington #changingoftheguard #arlingtoncemetery #3rdUSInfantryRegimentMilitaryUnit #TheOldGuard #bestfoodindc #bestrestaurantsindc #bestdcrestaurants #toprestaurantsinwashingtondc #wheretoeatindc #newdcrestaurants #iconicdcrestaurants #foodindc #TombOfTheUnknownsTouristAttraction #jfkgravejfkgravesite

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