The place where John's gospel was written

1 year ago

This is the place where the Gospel of John was written back in the first century A.D in the ancient city of Ephesus. Nowadays this spot is a tourist attraction in Izmir, Turkey. John the Apostle (not to be confused with John the Baptist) was Jesus most loved disciple and was the closest to Jesus out of all of his 12 disciples who were all his close friends. At the last supper before Jesus went to the cross it was John who laid his head on Jesus' chest. God chose this great man of God to write the fourth gospel because he was the only one who was close enough to Jesus to be able to be used by God to write this book which soars to the greatest heights of describing who Jesus is. One of the major themes of John's gospel is the deity of Christ because of the four gospels this was the last one to be written, Matthew had already wrote his gospel which describes how Jesus is the Messiah and king of Israel, Mark already wrote his gospel which describes how Jesus was the greatest servant, and Luke had already written his gospel which describes how Jesus is the Son of man and has a human nature while still being fully God. The need arose later on for John to write the fourth gospel to explain and defend the deity of Christ because towards the end of the fourth century heretical sects like the Gnostics had sprung up because the devil was trying to use these sects to counteract what God was doing with Christianity because it was spreading like wildfire and turning the world upside down. The apostle John actually alludes to these heretics that were being used as agents of the devil in three other books that he wrote (1,2 & 3 John). He was also used by God to write the greatest prophetic book in the whole bible which predicts the future events that will happen before the return of Jesus Christ.

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