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15 seconds

V13 - 02OCT2022

2 years ago

Sunrise; About 5:50 NOT 6:50!! Ha

See, the TECH got me I looked at the SCREEN and parrot what I seen there. Already adjusted for "Daylight Savings" didn't it. So where I say that time, really the time was 5:50am Central Standard Time. Which is half hour out anyway, they screwed our meridian which should be +9:00 not +9:30 we have nowdays. As far as I gather if we were in our proper meridian time that 5:50 am would have been 5:20am here in SA. In Eastern States it would be 6:20 at that time, but the sun there has been up for about an hour. In WA it should be 4:20am and not had daybreak yet.

WHY did they mess up out TIME this way? . I know their Excuses, but what about . . . things and Timing?? :3

No Stars to note at first light, too much cloud ahead.

Weird looking big plane flying low dumping Chem.


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