Giorgia Meloni condemning fascism in 4 languages

2 years ago

From La Repubblica, August 2022:
"The Italian right has consigned fascism to history for decades now, unambiguously condemning the suppression of democracy and the infamous laws against Jews." Giorgia Meloni says it in English, French and Spanish. She sent the video to the foreign press, to try to erase the shadows that weigh on his candidacy for the presidency of the Council.
"La destra italiana ha consegnato il fascismo alla storia da decenni ormai, condannando senza ambiguità la soppressione della democrazia e le infami leggi contro gli ebrei". Lo dice in inglese, francese e spagnolo, Giorgia Meloni. Invia un video alla stampa straniera, per provare a cancellare le ombre che pesano sulla sua candidatura alla presidenza del Consiglio.
This video is for informational purposes only. I do not own the rights to this video.
Read my in-depth article on Giorgia Meloni:

Tatiana Prophet is an award-winning journalist who founded Back to Facts in February 2017 to help our society resist the temptation to be led around by the nose through clickbait. To do that she is redefining news to bring back respect for you, the reader and viewer, by getting back to the basics of who/what/when/where, and sometimes why.

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