The COVID-19 vaccine - What You Should Have Been Told

1 year ago

Event: State of the Nation Conference 2022
Date: 17th September 2022
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Organiser: The Lord's Work Trust
Speaker: Jonathan Weissman

All references are available at

00:00 Start
01:23 Peter Daszak - Gain of Function
02:50 Biosafety breaches and lab leaks
04:45 Key People behind Gain of Function Research
06:26 DARPA - US Defence funding
08:12 A brief history of SARS-CoV Gain of Function Research
10:05 Timeline of SARS-CoV-2 Origin Story
12:40 Gene Theraputic Designed in One Hour
14:25 Anfinsens Dogma - A Wrong Assumption
18:16 Factor IX Gene Therapy clotting
20:09 G4 Quadruplexes - An Emerging Risk
21:38 Spike as an Amyloid
24:39 Integration into the Human Genome
26:48 Approve Inject Signal Detection
28:34 Signal Detection - 2 Turkish Intern Doctors Myocarditis
31:35 Disease and Death - the Bigger Picture
33:41 Humans as Hackable Animals
35:53 Human Protein Contamination in AZ
39:45 Contaminants in Pfizer's product
41:57 Public Health and Pharmakeia
43:29 Disease X and Immunisation Agenda 2030
44:22 Evolution and Transhumanism
45:52 In Light of His Word

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