Need to Know News (29 SEPTEMBER 2022) with Carl Herman and Brian Davidson

1 year ago

The sabotage of Nord Stream 1 and 2 will have reverberations across the globe, where this was a blatant act of environmental terrorism, which appears to have been committed by the United States (as Biden and Nuland both declared would happen were Russia to invade Ukraine). Ironically, for those who promote green energy to diminish global warming, it has released staggering quantities of methane into the atmosphere, where methane is perhaps the single most demonized factor alleged to be contributing thereto. Stunning corrupt act that will be blamed upon the US before the UN forthwith. Tucker's masterful review of this event and of its significance was well worth sharing in its entirety. Twitter has been manipulated with massive numbers of bot accounts, which have been deployed to support Ukraine and to oppose Russia, where Elon Musk tripped over a huge fraud being perpetrated upon the public. Similarly, the owners of another social media giant, Facebook, utilized vast sums to affect the outcome of the election of 2020, but no doubt with some personal benefit which (almost certainly) took the form of an enormous tax write-off to which they would not otherwise have been entitled, where there is a call for the IRS to investigate the case--but just as Biden has politicized the FBI and the DOJ, it's not likely to happen with this admin. A former White House physician reports his concerns that Biden's cognitive capacities continue to diminish and shrink. The transhumanist agenda has been moving forward at an excessively rapid pace, foregoing the kind of testing that would be appropriate for new vaccines, where the last was only tested on 8 mice and 0 human beings! The New Zealand PM is now calling for censorship on a global scale, while the FBI continues to terrorize political opponents of the Biden administration, which can arise merely by standing for policies and practices that differ from those of the far left.

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