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#AOC & the Democrat #INSURRECTION
The recent subway attack Clay & Buck talked about, as well as the spike in crime on NYC mass transit (next 3 links)
New York City “leaders” worked to de-criminalize turnstile-jumping & that has had deleterious consequences (next 7 links)
Now that turnstile jumping is encouraged, you have a lot of crime being perpetuated by fare evaders in a city that has embraced the Democrat #INSURRECTION where violent individuals are loosed upon society (people are avoiding public transit, yet crime is spiking)
People are avoiding urban mass transit, so the spike in crime is even more pronounced
The vacuous AOC literally excused smash-and-grabs where loads of cigarettes are being pilfered as parents wanting to feed their kids.
If I am quoting an article, prior to it you will see *** & when the quote is finished you will see ***
Adding to what Clay & Buck said about the rising crime issue on NYC’s vaunted urban mass transit system we get to something a caller mentioned concerning turnstile jumping & the fact that it is treated so flippantly.
Some may say, “Eh, that is no big deal, it’s just a fare.” This is the Dumocrat mindset & the fact that most of them are not taxpayers. If fares actually paid for New York City’s urban mass transit then they would be much higher because they get massive federal subsidies from folks who do not utilize it, as well as state infusions of taxpayer dollars, I covered that briefly in my previous slapdown of the uneducated Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
The cavalier attitude towards turnstile jumping ignores the normal, moral concept that you do not get a free lunch. The people jumping turnstiles likely have never paid any federal income taxes aside from excise taxes on tobacco & booze.
The Democrats have this same insane attitude towards the southern border. They treat it as no big deal for illegal immigrants to just invite themselves in & they ignore the fact that many of them coming in illegally make it to California, fail to finish high school & then go on welfare.
Again, for Democrats who don’t pay any taxes or have any skin in the game, this is no big deal. If you are a resident of NYC who doesn’t use urban mass transit, but you are a taxpayer then this should be a big deal.
When Rudy Giuliani cleaned up NYC, one of the first things he did is get rid of the people who were wandering around in traffic, trying to clean your windshield. Those were known as the squeegee men.
Rudy & his office removed the transients who were sleeping on sidewalks & pissing in the gutter. He also cracked down on graffiti. Those seem like rather benign violations (unless you have someone sleeping & urinating on your doorstep), but it’s a slippery slope paved w/ soap.
The more “little things” you allow may snowball into bigger things. The plandemic lockdowns, from which transit agencies have yet to recover from, along w/ the massive spike in violence (particularly in Democrat-run jurisdictions) in 2020 are the perfect storm.
NYC authorities paved the way for turnstile jumping by turning a blind eye to it & basically encouraging it, I’m talking to you Bartender. You reap what you sow & what you sow, so shall you reap. NYC’s chickens have come home to roost.
Jonathan Turley gets it: ***“Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito (left) is moving forward with a controversial plan to decriminalize such offenses as urinating in public — part of an effort to rollback on criminal offenses used by police to stop and detain suspects under the “broken windows” approach of Police Commissioner Bill Bratton. Critics have charged that the murder rate and other crimes are already up under Mayor Bill de Blasio due to the tensions with police and new policies against stop and frisk maneuvers.”
“Mark-Viverito appears to believe that criminalizing urination is only a pretext for police stops or a minor offense for the city. Most citizens are likely to disagree. First, there are the health issues of human waste in the street. Second, there are the economic issues of a major tourism location that will now treat urination as a minor matter subject to a summons, which is unlikely to be honored. Finally, given the large number of homeless people and drinkers in New York, the decriminalization of this offense could trigger a urine tsunami as Mark-Viverito removes the threat of arrest.”
“Mark-Viverito also wants to decriminalize public consumption of alcohol and jumping subway turnstiles. Those are likely to also result in behavorial changes that are inimical for the city. The subway jumping is particularly troubling for a city struggling with its budget issues. If people are seen as walking away when caught, it is likely to encourage greater numbers of jumpers with both budgetary and safety implications for the system. Yet, there is an argument to make on this crime and, in my view, it is a closer question than the public urination decriminalization effort of of Mark-Viverito.”
“The other decriminalized offenses of riding a bike on a sidewalk, failure to obey a park sign, or being in a park after dark are more debatable issues.”
“I am honestly mystified why politicians like Mark-Viverito would see public urination as something for decriminalization with such obvious negative implications for the city. As many on this blog know, I have been a long advocate for decriminalization of many offenses and a critic of the over-criminalization of America. However, these two offenses seem legitimately criminal. Turnstile jumping is a form of theft that, in the aggregate, costs the city greatly. It also involves people leaping over turnstiles in crowded lines or spaces. Public urination is particularly costs for a city that needs to maintain a tourism base and creates unhealthy walking areas for citizens.”***
You can have sex w/ your spouse or “domestic partner” all you want, just keep it inside your crummy apartment just in case I visit NYC, which I never will.
Some have attempted to excuse this by pointing out things like the following:
***“Turnstile jumping will no longer carry with it the threat of a Class A misdemeanor, if two Brooklyn lawmakers have their way [NOTE: This was not even a felony]… As it is, the penalties for turnstile jumping disproportionately affect non-white New Yorkers. In 2015, 29,198 arrests were made for fare beating—and 92 percent of those arrested were non-white commuters. DNAinfo notes that 18,000 of those arrested for fare evasion in 2016 were 16 or 17 years old…
[NOTE: A lot of young black men try to evade fares, just like a lot of young black men tend to shoot other young black men. It’s not racist if it’s the truth. They refuse to accept the truth]
“Prosecuting for turnstile jumping is counter to this city's efforts to be a sanctuary,” Anthony Posada of Legal Aid NYC, a law firm for low-income families and individuals, said on Tuesday.
In its latest budget proposal, City Council called for $50 million in funding for a pilot program that would offer discount MTA fares for low-income New Yorkers. The program, named “Fair Fares,” holds the potential to alleviate some of the financial burden for some 800,000 eligible city residents, including 72,000 City University of New York (CUNY) students. Transit advocates along with lawmakers have largely supported the program
But with most things subway-related, Mayor de Blasio says the city is neither able to, or responsible for, carrying the cost of reduced subway fare for New Yorkers.***
Imagine if I was allowed to steal from Wal-Mart or any grocery or retail store in my county. How long would these businesses be able to tolerate that?
Some of you may remember Proposition 47 in the Golden State:
***Shoplifting. The proposition added Penal Code section 459.5 to create a new misdemeanor offense called "shoplifting," punishable by up to 6 months in county jail. Shoplifting would be defined as "entering a commercial establishment with intent to commit larceny while that establishment is open during regular business hours" where the value of the property does not exceed $950. Any other entry into a commercial establishment with intent to commit larceny is burglary. Any act of shoplifting as defined above must be charged as shoplifting. No person charged with shoplifting may also be charged with burglary or theft of the same property.***
Predictably, this has created a lot of problems out there as retailers & business owners (who actually create wealth & jobs) were treated as a bastion of “free stuff” to the great unwashed. This is your California folks & this is what happens when you let Democrats run your state & they will run it into the ground.
If someone attempted to steal $940 worth of merchandise from my home, they would be looking at the business end of a .357. California essentially legalized “petty theft” (and how many $949 freebies can be tolerated?) & now it is “normal.”
This is just another mile on California’s slippery slope on the path to perdition.
New York City is seeing the same situation. As to the racial disparities in arrests concerning fare avoidance let me point this out from one of my essays:
***In New York City, blacks commit over three quarters of all shootings, though they are only 25% of the city's population. Whites, by contrast, commit only 2% of all shootings, though they are 34% of the population. New York's crime disparities are repeated in virtually every racially diverse city in America. The real problem facing inner city black neighborhoods today is not the police, but criminals. In 2014, over 6,000 blacks were murdered, more than all White and Hispanic homicide victims combined. Who is killing them? Not the police and not white civilians, but other blacks.***
***From 2008-2020, Asians averaged 1.357% of all arrestees for violent crime. Of the 114,588 arrestees for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter 2008-2020, 1.15% (1,325) of the arrestees were Asian. How come Asians are arrested for violent crimes at a much, much lower volume than Blacks? Asians were 4.8% of the population in 2010 & 5.9% in 2020.
From 2008-2020, Black men were 43.866% of all Expanded Homicide Data victims. Remember, Black Men are ~6.6% of the entire U.S. population & they are typically ~44% of all homicide victims. #blacklivesmatter
If we assume (and not gratuitously because men are typically ~80% of the arrestees for murder & ~75% of the arrestees for violent crime) that Black Men are 75% of the Black arrestees for violent crime then that means of the 1,828,886 Black persons arrested for violent crime (2008-19), 1,371,665 of the arrestees were Black Men. Black Men (4,807,049 total arrests for “violent crime” 2008-19) were 28.53% of ALL arrestees for violent crime 2008-19. That means a segment of the population that is 6.6% of the entire U.S. population is effectively committing 28.53% of violent crime.
Of the 105,970 arrestees (typically, >80% of the arrestees for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter are evil men) for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter 2008-19, 51.01% (54,063) of the arrestees were… Black. Whoops!
If I assume (not gratuitously) that 80% of the Black arrestees for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter are Black MEN then that means a segment of the population that is only 6.6% of the entire U.S. population is responsible for 40.81% (43,250) of all arrests for Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter.***
Zoe Rosenberg needs her head examined & they would probably find it during a colonoscopy. Simply pointing out that most of the people arrested for fare jumping are non-white & young means nothing.
Fare jumping has become such a YUUUGE problem that the MTA is creating a blue ribbon panel to tackle the problem:
***Agency leaders have been focusing on fare-beating as an anti-crime strategy since at least 2018 — including since the COVID-19 pandemic, when subway-system evasions have doubled.
“Fare evasion tears at our social fabric,” said MTA CEO Janno Lieber, speaking in Manhattan at a gathering of business hosted by the Association for a Better New York. “People who commit robberies and violent crimes generally don’t bother with MetroCard swipes or OMNY [contactless] taps.”
[NOTE: You probably want to stop folks like Waheed Foster if they jump a fare. You don’t want them free anywhere in society, especially on the subway where he can easily corner a victim]
The rate of underground crimes per rider also remains stubbornly above pre-COVID levels, despite being down overall because of lower ridership. Meanwhile, felony assaults in the system specifically are surging — and last month reached their highest total since the NYPD began increasing its transit presence last May. The year 2021 marked the highest number of felony assaults reported by NYPD on the subways in at least 25 years. Farebeating rates currently stand at over 30 percent on buses and 12 percent on subways, Lieber said — the latter a two-fold increase compared to before the COVID-19 pandemic.***
Again, there are fewer people using transit since the dawn of the COVID-19 plandemic, yet assaults are skyrocketing so it is much, much worse than prior to the plandemic.
Get that? One in eight subway riders are bypassing the fare & almost a third on buses. This is madness. How can they sustain this? Imagine if one in eight of the people at a convenience store stole items sans payment? How long would that store be able to operate?
***The city is still reeling from Michelle Alyssa Go’s death, sending shock waves across all five boroughs and bringing elevated attention to the state of crime across the transit system. At least fifty-six New Yorkers have been pushed onto subway tracks over the past two years. Subway crimes have more than doubled, so far, this year, compared with the same time last year. According to MTA board member Andrew Albert, another major issue is turnstile jumping.
"99.99% of people that are committing crimes in the subways did not pay their fare. If we can stop that at the turnstiles, we've not only helped the MTA bottom line, but we've stopped crime in its tracks," he explains.
At the same exact Times Square station where Go, 40, was killed, Fox 5’s cameras recorded countless cases of people jumping and crawling their way through the turnstiles. NYPD Crime Stoppers videos also demonstrate how subway crime suspects typically enter the system. "We need floor to ceiling glass, like the air train and like some systems in Europe have, where you cannot enter if you haven't paid your fare," Albert adds.***
When the mentally-ill Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorses fare jumping & scoffs at those who want to take action to limit it – when the low-IQ bartender turns a blind eye to & excuses mobs supposedly “stealing for their children” she is facilitating a mob mentality & is promoting immoral acts.
She is violating the Golden Rule. If the bartender who has never paid a dime in taxes in the private sector doesn’t want people stealing for her convenience store, or getting an Uber ride for free, helping themselves to her taxpayer-funded refrigerator then she needs to condemn this activity, not excuse it.
NYC’s chickens have come home to roost.
***MTA Chair and CEO Janno Lieber today appeared on CBS News New York’s Exclamation Point with Marcia Kramer to answer questions from riders…
Question: What are you doing about the people with the fare evasions? Every day I take the bus, I see people getting on the back door. I see people going past the bus driver. I know they're not supposed to confront the customers for their safety, but it's not fair to me. I pay all the time. It's not fair.
Lieber: I couldn't agree more with Cathy. It is one of the things I’ve said, we have to deal with fare evasion both because of the financial issues. It’s costing the MTA $500 million a year, but also the fairness aspect. People don't want to feel like suckers because they pay and they see somebody else walk through that the exit gate. So, I appointed a group of experts, both law enforcement people, and also folks who are dealt with criminal justice issues and social justice issues to come up with some new strategies. We want to change how the turnstiles are organized so they're harder to jump over and get around. We want to deal with that exit gate which is the highway of fare evasion. And we also want to educate young people so they don't get caught up in the criminal justice system if they do make a mistake and jump the turnstile or whatever. So, we want a fairer system. But ultimately, if they're people who are doing this all the time, or they're breaking the vending machines or holding the exit gate open, we do think it's time that we start to enforce a little bit more on that.***
As you know, urban mass transit/public transportation systems across the country were in dire straits prior to the plandemic & the lockdowns made it worse. Combine that w/ fare jumping & spikes in crime – NYC is in deep you know what financially & culturally.
***“Our New York sense of fairness and community is violated when rule-abiding, honest folks – people who tap or swipe because they know it’s the right thing to do, even if it’s a stretch economically – see others dodging the fare,” said MTA Chair and CEO Janno Lieber. “What hardworking, fare paying New Yorkers tell us, in a word, is that seeing fare evasion makes them feel like suckers. Fare evasion is a problem we need to solve together. That’s why I am convening a panel of distinguished New Yorkers to take a deep dive into the issue. The goal is to hit the reset button on how we approach fare evasion at the MTA and across government.” […]
A law enforcement presence in the transit system keeps customers safe and deters fare evasion. Critics of past approaches to fare evasion enforcement have raised serious questions about equity and racial justice. The panel will look at those questions and recommend fresh solutions that respond to them – considering, for example, greater use of civil penalties; possible increased reliance on civilian MTA staff to do fare compliance checks; and reserving criminal law enforcement for the most serious cases of recidivism or of evasion linked to violent crime.***
If they heel to the hordes of lunatics screeching “racism” this problem will not go away. Until they admit that young black men are disproportionately skirting fares & disproportionately shooting each other & crack down nothing will change.
NYC has cultural rot, as Dalton said in Road House, “It’s going to get worse, before it gets better.”
***For the period from June 2020 through June 2021, Transit Adjudication Borough (TAB) summonses issued by the MTA Police Department (MTAPD) for fare evasion totaled 78. There were no criminal summonses. There was one arrest. These statistics and the demographic data shown below reflect MTAPD data only; it does not include NYPD data.
For the period from June 2019 through June 2020, Transit Adjudication Borough (TAB) summonses issued by the MTA Police Department (MTAPD) for fare evasion totaled 1,533, criminal summonses totaled 68, and arrests totaled 19. These statistics and the demographic data shown below reflect MTAPD data only; it does not include NYPD data.***
I understand in both time frames there were probably a lot of fare jumpers missed but considering the low number of summonses & arrests in June 2020-June 2021 you can see that NYC has a culture of “I am not going to pay, try & stop me.”
This has snowballed & the fact that NYC is doing a poor job of keeping violent individuals behind bars has created a subway system that is a very dangerous place. If they’re not going to lock you away for killing people, if they are not going to lock you away for attempted murder, if they’re not going to lock you up for breaking into the same building a dozen times, if they are not going to lock you up for multiple assaults & burglaries, if they are not going to lock you up for stealing 5 cars then they surely aren’t going to waste their time if you are a violent criminal who regularly avoids subway or bus fares.
NYC used to be one of the safest big cities in America, but that changed in the last few years. Fewer arrests, yet violent crime & “trivial” items like fare jumping are going through the roof. If you do not prosecute fare evasion like you did years ago, do not be surprised when you are giving millions of free rides every year.
In closing, the spike in violent crime & homicide in NYC can be laid at the feet of The Squad & idiots like #AOC Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She basically encourages it – her attitude towards law & order is sending NYC down to the tenth level of hell & it will only get worse – unless NYC “throws the bums out.”
Every assault in the subway, every murder in the subway, every repeat offender who commits another violent crime can be laid at the feet of folks like #AOC
Here is another debunking of the vacuous bartender by yours truly & Larry Elder. Crime is one of the issues discussed, as well as the *reasons* for the spike.
If you want to read all my essays on crime in Democrat cities see & this essay discusses the number of recidivists in certain jurisdictions (like NYC!). This is because they’re not locking up these people, they are letting them loose. Arrests are down in some states, but crime is not. Some Democrat-dominated cities & counties have seen murder go through the roof & violent crime plateaued, yet arrests are down. See the following videos for more info on that. Yes, NYC & NY are included.
When you allow people to camp in front of businesses, when you encourage people to use drugs, when you stifle the nuclear family via a welfare state, when you let people jump the turnstile a dozen times, when you basically ignore urinating in the street & doing drugs in public – do not be surprised when that culture deteroiorates to the point where you have a city of homeless drug addicts & fatherless children where normal folks do not feel safe..
Portland, the Twin Cities, Seattle & New York City are perfect examples of cities that were once safe & lovely, but now they are a wreck. If this continues, they will be just like Detroit, Flint, Baltimore. E. St. Louis & Cleveland. All the productive people will leave & the only ones left will be the rabble-rousers
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sits in her ivory tower away from all this, encouraging it like some sick puppeteer.
America has a lot of irresponsible people who refuse to raise the children they sire, they get very little exercise & eat poorly, they do drugs & they refuse to work. This is why we are in decline, but it can be reversed.
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