Divorcees Sam Seder & Old Fart Rants are suddenly concerned about dead people in Buffalo Part II

2 years ago

Divorcees Sam Seder & Old Fart Rants are suddenly concerned about dead people in Buffalo



(If you want to read all these essays in order) https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2909861932583537&id=1400591836843895

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nY83HZbSwY The black on black homicide rate is 4.5X HIGHER than the white on white homicide rate

Let’s run some numbers again from the video I uploaded recently pertaining to Erie County Adult Arrest Demographics. I should have collated this data 2016-2018 & then 2019-2021 to calculate how much the #blacklivesmatter riots & whining caused the arrests for blacks to skyrocket, I did not do that for Erie County, I will do that for New York City.


Of the 75,560 Adult Arrests in New York City 2016-18 categorized as “violent”, 54.84% (41,442) of the arrestees were…. Black.

Of the 68,760 Adults Arrests in New York City 2019-2021 categorized as “violent”, 54.98% (37,809) if the arrestees were…. Black.

New York City is ~24% Black.

Let’s do Monroe County, which is not a super-duper Democrat enclave as it is below the 60% mark, but it is very close & it contains the toilet known as Rochester, which is a super-duper Democrat enclave.

Of the 3,498 Adult Arrests in Monroe County, NY 2016-18 categorized as “violent”, 62.55% (2,188) of those arrestees were…. Black.

Of the 3,124 Adult Arrests in Monroe County, NY 2019-2021 categorized as “violent”, 66.93% (2,091) of the arrestees were…… Black.

Monroe County, NY is ~16.2% Black.

Let’s look at Tompkins County, NY too, shall we?

Of the 242 Adult Arrests in Tompkins County 2016-18 categorized as “violent”, 31.4% (76) of the arrestees were…… Black.

Of the 168 Adult Arrests in Tompkins County 2019-2021 categorized as “violent”, 38.69% (65) of the arrestees were… Black.

Tompkins County is only 4.4% Black.

Now Albany County, NY, which also leans seriously towards the Dumocrat Party.

Of the 1,673 Adult Arrests in Albany County 2016-18 categorized as “violent”, 58.75% (983) of the arrestees were… Black.

Of the 1,453 Adult Arrests in Albany County 2019-2021 categorized as “violent”, 61.18% (889) of the arrestees were… Black.

Albany County is 14.1% Black.

Now let’s look at data across the entire state of New York: Of the 115,916 Adult Arrests in New York State 2016-18 categorized as “violent”, 50.7% (58,778) of the arrestees were… Black.

Of the 103,622 Adult Arrests in New York State 2019-2021 categorized as “violent”, 51.56% (53,437) of the arrestees were… Black.

New York State is 17.6% Black.

You may have noticed a few other things. One, the number of Adult Felony Arrests categorized as “violent” decreased in the latter time frame, 2019-2021 in every single jurisdiction I looked at, while homicide rates in Democrat-run cesspools increase markedly.

This is the Ferguson Effect as part of the explanation, #blacklivesmatter & their nuclear family-hating, Collectivist allies in the antique media intimidated police into less proactive policing – that meant fewer police in the problem areas, which means fewer arrests.

Secondly, the % of arrestees being Black also increased in the latter time frame in all jurisdictions I looked at. Don’t forget, #blacklivesmatter.

Just as I did last time, let’s add another jurisdiction as some icing on the cake.

In California from 2010-2019, 26.34% of the Murder arrestees were Black. 46.7% were Hispanic, 20.06% were White & 6.89% “Other.” Gee, I wonder why Asians are assimilating fine, having usually intact families, not snorting drugs up their noses or shooting up & not butchering each other in the hood.

From 2010-2019, 28.55% of the Murder victims were Black, 43.4% were Hispanic, 20.32% were White & 7.3% were Other. Plenty of Black-on-Black Murder happening in the Golden State too.

California is 6.5% African-American, 36.5% White alone, 39.4% Hispanic & 15.5% Asian.

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