This Morning Routine Made Me A Millionaire

1 year ago

The first thing I do in the morning is brew some coffee and listen to a podcast. While the coffee is brewing and the podcast is playing a make a balanced, consistent breakfast. I try to automate as much as I can in the morning to avoid "decision fatigue." Think of your decision making as drawing from your battery. The more decisions you make that don't drive the needle forward, the more you drain your battery for useless tasks instead of useful tasks.

Over breakfast I read and take notes. I read every single day without fail. This is instrumental in my aggregation of skills. I don't have much talent, I don't come from a family with money (single mom), so I have to acquire skills and use these skills immediately. I don't have much time and neither do you.

After it's all said and done I create what Andy Frisella calls a "power list." This is the most important part of my morning routine. I write down tasks that I must complete throughout the day to drive the needle forward on my life. I don't put "fluff" on my power list like brush my teeth or take out the trash. The only thing that goes on the power list are things that get me closer to my goals.

After I'm done with breakfast I spend the rest of the day executing on my power list. Unfortunately when you own a business fires come up that you need to put out, but it's important to handle those tasks and then go right back to executing on your power list. More on this in the book "The Effective Executive"

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