On Being Impeccable with Your Word

1 year ago

On being impeccable with your word:

I’m listening to the The Four Agreements again it’s brilliant simple and wise.

Don Miguel Ruiz talks about the first agreement: Be Impeccable with your Word as being the most important and impactful of all of the agreements.
I couldn’t agree with him more. Our words create pictures and thoughts in our minds, which lead to beliefs and actions. Basically our experience of life has everything to do with our perception and self perfection. Language and words can be used to heal or to harm.

I want to emphasize the importance of self responsibility. As discerning adults it is our responsibility to work on our own self perception, so this is this is not a case for censorship or pandering. As adults though we should be very mindful of how we coach and teach children and the younger impressionable minds around us.

Even if you didn’t get “positive” programming as a young person, you can change your subconscious programming through the strategic and intelligent use of language and repetition!

I can’t emphasize the power of our words to create enough. You can change your experience of stress, anxiety, depression and many other experiences through the correct use of the word.

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Hypnosis, hypnotherapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy are not a substitute for the advice of your medical doctor. All content presented on this channel is for educational purposes only and should only be considered as general information. All claims and advice on this channel represent an ideal outcome. Individual results may vary and cannot be guaranteed.

To Your Success!
Lynn C. Cox, Anxiety Expert at www.lynnccox.com

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