It is so delicious that I cook it almost every day! Hearty, cheap and easy food.

1 year ago

It is so delicious that I cook it almost every day! Hearty, cheap and easy food.
I want to share with you a very tasty recipe, beans with zucchini, a hearty and delicious recipe with vegetables.
Sweet pepper-300g.
Zucchini -350g.
Boiled beans-500g.
Garlic-2 cloves.
Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon
Paprika - 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste.
Greens to taste
Water to cover a little.
1.Heat the pan, pour olive oil, chop the onion.
2.Onions are fried over medium heat, rub the carrots on the grater.
3. Put the pan of carrots and cut the sweet pepper.
4.Put the pepper in the pan and simmer until medium ready.
5. Put paprika and tomato paste and cook a little.
6.Pour the zucchini.
7.Mix everything well, close the lid and simmer until the zucchini is cooked, stirring occasionally.
8.Zucchini is ready, put garlic and boiled beans.
9.I pour water to cover a little, if you like the liquid, pour more water, if the thick is less.
10.Add salt to taste, parsley to taste, cover with lid and simmer for 5 minutes.
Enjoy your meal.

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