Kitty Cat Dog Masseuse

1 year ago

This kitty cat named Ben is clearly a professional masseuse, just look at the relaxation of Gunther the large black dog. You see...Gunther is a very good boy, he keeps himself clean, and he keeps his Masters home safe, in-fact he protects the whole neighbourhood from shady individuals who want to run amok about the place.

People who steal from the poor and confuse the feeble minded with lies and deceit. Gunther has a nose for those who are up to no good, and if he chase you you'd better move your feet, for if Gunther ever catch you you're dead meat.

Working all day tires poor Gunther out, he feels the weight of responsibility holds him to the ground and he's so exhausted he can barely shout (bark). Lucky he has a friend Ben, on whom he can depend, to massage his tired muscles, relax his body completely and allow his soul to mend. Ben puts a spring in his step and a sharp tooth in his bite, so good Gunther can go out again to protect good kitties like Ben, from those who lurk in the night.

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