Higher Rates are Here to Stay Until 2023

1 year ago

(9/22/22) The Fed jacked rates up 75-basis points, as expected, and held out the possibility of at least two more rate hikes this year. The thing that shocked markets was the implication by Jerome Powell that higher rates would be here to stay throughout 2023, barring a recession or credit-related event that might cause the Fed to reverse policy. Markets in response sold off, taking out lows established back in May, an important support level we've been watching. As sentiment sours, and markets sell-off, conditions are ripening for a counter-trend rally. The 20-MDA has crossed over the 50-DMA, so any rally back towards 4,000 on the S&P would appear to be a good exit point for investors to trim risk and raise cash.
Hosted by RIA Advisors' Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, CIO
Produced by Brent Clanton
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