the fatal flaw of not trusting God enough

2 years ago

my apologies for not putting up vids in a timely fashion
been slacking due to the internet depressing me
oh yes! this is what i was talking about
technology is manipulating behavior
nobody radicalized me and threw me into conspiracy country
left, right, middle, top, bottom
seeing things clearly has no side
politics similar to religion in this sense
do you not see the evil forces at work
what's good isn't good enough
they want what's forbidden
can you guys tell that we're on a trip
a female reverend barf
very questionable when a woman wants to preach at a congregation
a lotta people don't understand this
women are gullible due to weakness
deny what we actually need/want
so many women don't understand why so they turn to satan
so sick of the hate tho (just bored really)
i just wanna love the world and yet everyone here is such a retard
people just won't pay attention
and here i go
it wasn't covid, it was always the phones
yawl ain't stupid enough
this is why i hate society, yawl accept this crap
you caved in, man...your fault, sari
not saying you're a bad person or this was intentional
only a high functioning schizo could see this
that's a picture of an icon from my church
12:34 best time in the world
the sound of resiliance/sheer tenacity
fuck you everybody that people on twitter pretend they hate
all yawl suck and deserve to be punished
consistently whine (online, where else?)
the power within their grasp (literally) to change things and they won't

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