1 year ago

There's a million things going wrong in the nation as a result of bad policies yet our moral and intellectual betters can't do much but blame everything on the bad orange man or anyone they disagree with.

People are so wrapped up in fake virtue while they push the establishment narrative, mindlessly collecting their good-boy points and unanimously agreeing with the corporate media, Hollywood, career politricksters and of course the big pharm sAViOrs.

I can't understand how so many people can ostrich their head in the sand while so much needless suffering is happening. They'll pretend to be fighting the power while endorsing and pushing the exact message being spoon-fed to them through their TV.

Nothing to see here, just send your extra cash to Prez T-Shirt and take your mystery potion because Big Ron is to blame for everything and everything is just fine. As long as you your favorite celebrity agree on the issues then you're in the clear.

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