PRO Spray Paint Secrets!

1 year ago

Spray paint is simple, effective, and affordable. Just about anyone can use spray paint and get good results - right? Well - not so fast! If you want PROFESSIONAL results, there are some methods you need to use to get the finish you really like.

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There are a few variables that need to be addressed to assure you get great results when spray painting or applying finishes (such as lacquer or varnish).

First, buy the best quality paints. Cheap paint runs easily and covers poorly. Cheap paint is suitable for quick color changes where it will not be scrutinized up close, or won’t be exposed to the elements. An example is spraying theatrical prop braces black. Highly quality paint covers well, resists runs, and holds up longer.

Second, spray in a sheltered place with good ventilation. You don’t want to breathe the fumes, it’s just not good for you. Also, items that have been heated up by sunlight are better painted when they are closer to room temperature. Being sheltered or in a shop environment also allows you to avoid windy or breezy conditions, allowing for more consistent application. Insects are also greatly diminished, which seem to find their way right away to freshly finished surfaces!

Third, protect the surrounding area from overspray using draping, backdrops, or shields. We use old corrugated plastic signs, sheets of cardboard, or butcher paper. It only takes a few moments, and the clean-up is really fast.

While you’re at it, you’ll get better results using “painter’s pyramids” or other sharply pointed devices that both raise the object being painted off the table, while not marring the finish when the piece is turned over to paint the back side. Raised edges also allow for better paint coverage along those narrow surfaces.

As for the application of the paint itself, there are some rules of thumb that will help you get the best results. Make sure the paint can is well shaken, and that the spray head is clear. Try to paint surfaces that are horizontal. This allows the paint to even out better and resist drooling. If you do need to paint on vertical or upside-down surfaces, do so with multiple light coats.

We’ve saved the best for last. There are two “pro” tips that will give you a beautiful finish. First, start the spray just before you move the spray across the surface. This allows the rate and pattern of the spray to stabilize before being applied. And, stop the spray just a split second after going past the surface. Again, consistent application from side to side is key.

Second, keep the distance between the spray can and the object being finished the same by using a parallel motion. A common mistake is to arc your arm back and forth. This means the edges will get less and the middle will get a lot - and will be prone to running. Not good.

Resist the temptation to test the surface by touching it. Let it dry well. Humid weather will take longer. Do any touch-ups sparingly.

And, remember, if you do have to paint vertically or up into a surface, do so with light, multiple coats. Heavy spray is NOT a shortcut, because you’ll have runs and areas you’ll need to repair. Save yourself the headache and do a light coat several times.

Sure, you can go get decorative items painted, but why? JUST DO IT YOURSELF!

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