Saturnian INVERSIONS. The Harvest of Dolores Cannon.

1 year ago

#spirituality #discernment #archon

Have we entered into a globla ritual where Ahriman is harvesting consciousness and taking it into the eigth sphere via technological implants? If so, how does this relate to the cosmological alignement of the solar system during the last Golden Age?

Why are people like Gigi Young, Dark Journalist, and the mighty Rudlkf Steiner not mentioning this cosmological alignment? David Talbot'swho wrote the book, 'The Saturn Myth' is perhaps our modern day Immaneul Veliikosky. Ahead of his time. So far ahead that even the most enlightened of souls were not able to glimpse this ancient celestial world.

How does that all relate to The Law of One and the 'harvest'? And to Dolores Cannon's work? Let's see...

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