ClosedCircuitSelling - Recruitment

1 year ago

Consumers want live proof right? Well here it is…

Yesterday I explained, where I tested the frameworks for #ClosedCircuitSelling in two very different industries, financial assets and leasing and consumer baked goods. (FMCG). (8x revenue in 8 mths).

Today, here is how I would utilise within #Recruitment and #temporarystaffing for those overseas.

In this example working from your existing client databases is vitally important for persona mapping and this point in a lot of organisations is missed due to “silo’s.

As stated, run that through Humantic AI reach out to me if you need a hand doing this. Happy to help.

I plan to show you every scenario possible of where #ClosedCircuitSelling will work for you and your business.

Not only will this give your organisation easy easy to victory, but also tighten up internal stakeholders and align operating functions. In a lot of cases when you have this mastered, you will be able to do more with less, and change some role types.. to save you more money, while increasing revenue. (not complicated).

That I have taken, tested , rinsed repeat to multiple industry sectors - So I plan to show you.

Knowing where the commercial leverage is, where the access gate is, is pivotal, and most organisations get this wrong.

So they are literally in essence paying for $250k administration clerks. Big statement.

But believe me it happens. Many sitting in C Suite no longer have connection to commercial acumen.

How can I claim this? They are generally the ones booking inbound meetings to ask me how I am cutting through with such clarity and precision.

I repeat ;

🚫This is not for you, if you don’t believe in Revenue Alignment.

🚫This is not for you, if you want to spam your total addressable market.

🚫This is not for you, if you want to have a “silo’d” approach and clunky handovers to make your prospects wish they hadn’t engaged with you.

🚫This if not for you, if you want to continue paying departments more than you need to.

Are you…
Ready to stop playing small?
Ready to up your game?

#ClosedCircuitSelling and our frameworks is that answer.

We are your fast track to revenue alignment, and better smarter, flatter business.

If we can’t solve your business problem, we will connect you with who can. Simple as that.

Demand + Outbound Actions = Revenue

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