19 Elul 5782 September 15 2022

2 years ago

19 ELUL 5782

Our Calling -Heaven on Earth!

Today we come in unity as one, with one heart, one voice and one affection for Your Kingdom to come and Your will to be done in our lives and in our nation as it is in heaven.
We repent of allowing division, prejudice, hatred, racism, rebellion, anger, wrath, lack of forgiveness, and bitterness in our lives and then influencing our families, friends, and neighbors. Forgive us o Lord for the storms we've created through backbiting, slander, gossip, lies, envy, and worry based on our own fears and insecurities and not trusting You completely. We cover these sins with the Blood of Jesus. We stand up from our heavenly seats of authority in You Lord Jesus and loose and cast out every spirit of darkness ruled by and attached to Anarchia. We ask You to righteously judge and send them to the pit of hell. Bind it away from America Lord. Loose it from our lives! We surrender our lives to You! We speak peace to every storm, natural and physical "be still!"

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