ALMOST! Tough 170 Kgs x 7 Deadlift

1 year ago

I thought about strapping up for this set, to try and give me a bit better of an edge to get a rep PR, but at the last moment, I decided to just go for it with mixed grip. I JUST couldn't get that eight rep, if I could have gotten it just a bit farther, and past my knees, I would have gotten it. I am going to be focusing on improving my leg drive again, at least for the next couple of cycles, as that is definitely my weakest point for the deadlift. My grip has been holding up, but my legs just fatigue, and it feels like an ETERNITY getting it from the floor to past my knees. This is the first time I have ended a deadlift set through failure in a REALLY long time, so hopefully it won't have too much of an impact. I'll probably strap up for the next couple top sets this cycle, to try and help with the possibility of hitting a new rep PR.

Song: "Domination" - Pantera

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Bitchute: Liber_Primus



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