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Water & Salt For Health

2 years ago

About the role of water & salt in health.

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Thank you Mr J-ji. I am new to this. Functional medicine/food as medicine. Last week, end of February 2025, I purchased the pack of e-books via the Foundation website. The water therapy, and also the urine therapy book's are like healthy gatekeeper's for myself. I have been taking much more responsibily for self. As much as I can, cutting down on processed foods. Cutting out, almost completely, soft drinks. Something stirred in me regarding all the additives. For water, I purchased a copper, water vessel. Which was sent from India. Before I knew you had plans to travel there. I have only used either sea salt, or rock salt, for the Universe knows how many years, at least a decade now. I was an alcoholic twice in my life. Why I went back to it. I don't really know. I totally relate to the dehydration. I was physically dependent towards the end. At the very begining of the spiral of wet brain. Doing this, for Self/I See Me. It is so powerful and liberating.

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